Cruise Lines News® electronic newsletter We are proud to announce the opening of a new free service for everybody connected to the cruise industry (present crew members, shore operations staff, travel agents), people interested in future cruise line employment or just visitors to our website. Our new e-newsletter is featuring articles by crew members, cruise industry specialists and even cruise ship passengers and will deliver the latest news about the cruise industry - new position openings, new ships, new itineraries, changes in the corporate world of cruise lines, current employment situation in various companies and much more, all this delivered twice monthly directly to your e-mail box. The best things about the newsletter are that it is free, you can unsubscribe at any time and it is also interactive, meaning that we will publish your comments, cruise stories and opinions on various topics related to the cruise industry. We are trying to carefully select and limit the number of advertisements to three, four per issue. Click on them if there is something interesting for you or just ignore them. This is the only way to keep the newsletter free. Any comments about the newsletter, the website or our products will be appreciated. You could always reach us at  To subscribe to Cruise Lines News®, please fill out the form below and press the "subscribe" button. CLICK HERE to review a list of all the information and materials included in the
Cruise Lines Employment Guide 2001® CD-ROM CLICK HERE to order the
Cruise Lines Employment Guide 2001® CD-ROM. ($29.85 US, shipping and handling charges not included*) Get a job or your money back! NO RISK* (certain restrictions apply, see below for more details)  Home Page - Shipboard Positions - Cruise Lines Profiles - Cruise Lines Employment Contacts - CD-ROM Guide Content - Order A CD-ROM Guide - Contact Us - Cruise Links
Copyright © 1997-2001 Seamax
International Inc. All rights reserved.
*1 Year Money Back Guarantee This offer is valid one year from the purchase of the Cruise Lines Employment Guide 2001® CD-ROM. In order to qualify for the refund, you must return the original CD-ROM and proof of purchase along with FIVE letters or postcards showing refusal of employment from a cruise line. The refusal employment letters must be from separate cruise line companies and must be written on original company letterhead. Shipping charges incurred during the original purchase or the return are NOT covered by this guarantee. If the CD-ROM was purchased by credit card, a refund can only be made back to the original credit card. All other refunds will be paid by check. |